The Ultimate Process to become


If you are into:

  • Self Healing

  • Self Development

  • Self Actualization

This book is for you!

If you landed on this page, I am going to assume that you know about the three basic aspects of our Human experience:

  • the Mind

  • the Body

  • the Self

Everyone can easily define the Body.

But can you distinguish the Mind from the Self?

Can you distinguish when you are acting as your-Self versus acting as your Mind/Ego?

Here is the issue:

Virtually every problem that we face has its roots in the MIND:

⇢ self-doubt
⇢ self-sabotage
⇢ stress
⇢ anxiety
⇢ depression
⇢ anger
⇢ addictions
⇢ bad habits
⇢ coping mechanisms
⇢ negative self-talk

The origins of all of this can be traced back to the Mind — more specifically, to how the Mind has been Programmed.

This doesn’t mean that the Mind is the “bad guy”…
No, the Mind has simply been misused!


The MIND/Ego has become the “master” — and the SELF and the BODY have become the “slaves”.

Have you noticed that you know what is best for you — but then, when the moment comes, you don’t act according to it?

Why does this happen?

This happens because your Subconscious and Unconscious Programming is activated, and you can’t help but act in ways that compromise you, your relationships, and your life.


What if you could delete the programming that makes you act in ways that aren't best for you?

What if you could delete the programming that makes you feel like you have no power over yourself and your experience?


We must stop the Mind from being the determining factor of our experience.

We must reprogram the Mind to serve the best interests of the Self and the Body.

In other words, the Self must be in the driver’s seat.

Who You Really Are must be in control 💪

This book is about giving you the Tools, Steps & Knowledge that will make you increasingly Aware of your Mind’s Programming, so that you may transcend it (deprogram yourself), and eventually become The Self Aware.

This is what you will be able to achieve:

✔️ overcome addictions and obsessions

✔️ stop sabotaging and doubting yourself

✔️ overcome depression and anxiety

✔️ understand the origins of your stress and find ways to end it

✔️ face your past traumas and stop them from limiting your life

✔️ identify and overcome limiting beliefs and ideas

✔️ stop bad habits and implement good habits

✔️ develop focus, discipline, and self-trust

✔️ discover what is truly important to you and gain to courage to go after it

✔️ develop the maturity to create strong and trustworthy relationships

✔️ create a life of purpose and meaning

Ultimately, applying the Process detailed in this book is going to lead you to:

➜ A better relationship with yourself and others

➜ Experience improved mental and emotional well-being

➜ Improve the health of your body

➜ Develop interpersonal and soft skills essential to financial success: great communication, focus, discipline, creativity, and more.

Ready to get started?

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+1 Bonus: Audiobook

I have been applying this Process

for 15+ years…

And thanks to it I was able to:

  • Overcome Depression

  • Stop a Weed & Cigarette addiction (and other substances…)

  • Stop a Porn addiction (that almost ended my relationship)

  • Develop Discipline, Focus & Determination

  • Always have been Self-Employed

  • Develop skills, made money, invested, made profits, moved to Portugal, built a professional music studio, and live by the beach

  • Do what I love: music & teaching others this Process

  • Create an amazing relationship, got married, and have 2 amazing kids

This is a Holistic Process that will allow you to dial in the big three areas of life: health, wealth, and relationships.

  • Improve your mental and physical health

    • identify and release traumas that are deep in your unconscious Mind

    • overcome depression

    • overcome stress & anxiety

    • overcome substance and behavioral addictions

    • cure illnesses and ailments (dependent on your application of the process and extent of the problem — read testimonials for examples

  • Improve your relationships

    • with your partner: better communication; more support, better sex; etc…

    • with your children: understand them better; become a great example for them; let go of guilt about past mistakes; connect with them more deeply

    • with you parents: greater empathy; courage to forgive; let go of anger & blame; better communication and understanding

    • with friends: more supportive; more empathetic; unburden by expectation; etc…

    • with coworkers / boss / employees:

  • Improve your Interpersonal & Soft Skills that will make you more competent and valuable in the job & business market

    • Improve your communication skills

    • Stop procrastination

    • Overcome the fears and beliefs that stop you from saying and doing things that you know will benefit you

    • Develop focus, discipline, dedication, drive, etc…

    • Easily access Flow States


The Process described in the book has the potential to completely transform you and your life.

The extent of your transformation is only dependent on your application of the Process.

Are you ready
to get started?

In case you’re wondering:

Is this Process right for me?”

How can I be sure it will bring a transformation to my life?”

Well, this Process not only worked wonders for me, it worked for other too!

Have a look at what they have to say about their own transformations:

“I am now living my best life”

Before learning about this Process, I had conflict-ridden relationships with family members, and I was always lost in my mind: overthinking, unable to control my thoughts. This caused many health problems, including hypothyroidism, year-round bronchitis, severe water retention, and arthritis in my knees. Once I started applying the Process, my relationships with family have undergone a 180º change, my health is reversing, and I am now living my best life: happy, proud of myself, fully embracing my potential.

Caroline Franks, UK

“… finally letting go of my perceived limitations”

This Process changed me, and I changed my life. Looking back, it is incredible to see the positive impact of getting to know myself, becoming aware of my patterns, and finally letting go of my perceived limitations. I have developed my self-confidence and pursued a career in a new country. I currently hold a very high and demanding role, dealing with high-profile clients in the pharmaceutical industry. Not only am I able to keep stress at bay, but I have also thrived and become indispensable in the company I work for.

Joana Ferreira, Portugal

“Now I know myself,
and I know what I want in life”

Before I started applying this Process, I struggled with incessant thinking. But now I am stable and grounded. Thanks to it, I've cultivated focus and discipline, enabling me to study law, and now I work as a lawyer. I no longer let unwanted thoughts and emotions define me, which empowers me to make decisions I can trust. I am no longer bothered by what others say or do. Now I know myself, and I know what I want in life.

Viktor Persson, Sweden

You will find more testimonials at the bottom of this page.

Are you ready for an incredible journey of Self discovery and transformation?


I am currently recording the audiobook.

If you buy the book today, when the audiobook is ready, I will send it to you, for free.

Once the audiobook is out, it will be charged separately. So, here is a chance to save a few extra bucks if you buy the book now.

See you on the inside!

John Jesus


About the Author:

John Jesus is an artist and coach.

He is married, has two children, and lives by sunny beach in Portugal.

As a coach he is passionate about teaching and guiding others with the application of the Process described in his book —The Self Aware— mainly helping them beat addiction; overcome depression; establish solid relationships; and find direction and purpose in life.

As an artist he has released three albums and many singles. He writes, composes, records, and produces all his music. He also records and produces for other artist at his own professional music studio.


“This Process saved my life…”

Before discovering this process, I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. I struggled with addictions to cannabis, alcohol, and pornography, and I found it difficult to find stability, often being admitted to mental hospitals. But then I discovering this process and transformed my life. I began to look inward, embracing myself and taking full responsibility for every aspect of my life. I no longer experience the symptoms of schizophrenia as I once did. This Process truly saved my life, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Tormod Gjedrem, Norway

“I found joy in life!”

This Process of awareness allowed me to truly see myself and break free from the things that I thought I "must do" and what I believed was "my purpose". As I moved beyond these ideas, I opened up a new process of self-creation that I now enjoy waking up to every day, something I had missed for so long... I found joy in life! It's as if the joy and the pain switched places, and slowly but surely, a new me is emerging.

Ingrid Schaefer, Netherlands

“This process truly expanded
my awareness of myself”

Before this process, I was involved in self-development through a Jesus discipline training and aspiring to pursue education in pastoral care. But this Process truly expanded my awareness of myself. I have become much better at discerning the real self from the mind self. I learned how to stop a particular experience IN THE MOMENT, such as when something is bothering me, when I feel stuck, or when I am diminishing or sabotaging myself. I have let go of the desire to change others around me and instead focus on changing myself. Additionally, I realized that the way I was judging others was, in fact, reflecting self-judgments that I needed to address. In essence, this process allowed me to let go of things that didn’t serve me and script new behaviors that benefit me.

Sylvie Jacobs, Netherlands

“…more aware of myself and stopped many destructive relationship patterns…”

I can confidently state that the Process described in this book is the most efficient way to get to where we are going – which is the realization of who we really are! For me, the keyword of this Process is PRACTICALITY. Thanks to it, I have managed to become much more aware of myself and stopped many destructive relationship patterns that were repeating and causing conflicts all my life. I work as a homeopath, and this Process also allowed me to develop an intimate understanding of how the body works. In turn, this made me better at identify the misalignments that are behind sickness and diseases, and therefore, I am much better at helping my clients.

Arvydas Platakis, Lithuania

“ I utilized this Process to heal my body”

In 2017 I moved to Canada and started a new job. The transition brought about considerable stress, which manifested in severe bodily issues. Over the course of two years, I utilized this Process to heal my body. Initially, I was unaware of the subconscious stress underlying my ailments. Through the application of the Process, I gradually uncovered and addressed the layers of thoughts and emotions contributing to the stress, ultimately leading to the healing of my body.

Kim Amourete, Belgium